Current Events

The Toll

Every civilized nation cares and protects the next generation. The next generation includes not only the children in our immediate family, but all of the young people in the town, city, country in which we live.

Caring Corrupted

This past week I’ve been reading a book on the occupation of Poland by Leon Uris, Mila 18. Striking is the similarity between the directives mandated on the Polish scapegoats and those being implemented in New York and around the world against those who do not wear masks nor agree to be injected with unapproved, experimental gene therapy.

C.S. Forester: Where Do You Stand?

This 2 minute audio clip is from a series of programs called “Words at War”, broadcast during WWII. Each program dramatized scenes from contemporary accounts. The words you’ll hear are from the British author C.

The Message of Psalm 75

After all of these months of societal destabilization, and with the current political unrest in the United States and around the world, the most important thing for us to remember is the presence of God.

Stand and Deliver?

The term “Stand and Deliver” comes from the days of highway robbery in Britain. Drivers were forced to stop. Passengers were ordered to “stand” (outside the coach) and “deliver” (all their valuables).

Satan's Sermon on Suicide

Satan was making earnest efforts to persuade a certain man to commit suicide. He tempted him at midnight as far as the center of the bridge, and as the man hesitated to spring into the water, Satan continued speaking:

Get the Word of God Now

Do you read your Bible on your phone? Is there any reason to have a printed copy of the Bible these days? The pastor of Faith to Walk ministries offers these thoughts:

It Could Happen Tomorrow Morning

Someone asked, could it happen here? The answer is included in the video below. Topics Essential Workers - Grading People Babi Yar The Generated Frenzy of Fear Sacrificing on the Altar of Public Health What’s Happening in Australia and New Zealand Superseding Authority Targeted Messaging to Children (e.

The Test Is Not What You Think

It is essential for our peace of mind as Christians that we understand what is real. Part of the enemy’s attack is the sowing of confusion through a preponderance of conflicting information.

What is Luciferase? [sm102]

One of the ingredients in the Covid-19 vaccine is something called Luciferase [also known as sm102]. Yes, this sounds like something from an old Hal Lindsey Rapture book, but it is in fact real.