A few more years shall roll

21 Oct 2016 · 3 min read

Do you remember the slang term, reality check? It’s a reminder from a friend when one’s thinking is distorted. As the current political drama beats down on all of us, this hymn can serve as a welcome balm and pull us back into a Biblical way of thinking. Kings and queens rise and fall, but God is on the throne. He establishes governments. In contrast to this fallen, sinful world, The Lord has decreed an eternity in which righteousness will reign in justice and without sin, tears or suffering. Glory to Him.

I first came upon this hymn while browsing through Hymns Ancient and Modern in my old pocket Collins Book of Common Prayer. Published in 1844, and written by Horatio Bonar, it is as fresh today as it was more than 150 years ago.

How I long for that blessed day when we will be reunited with all those we’ve loved who’ve gone to sleep in the Lord. We’ll meet brothers and sisters of like precious faith whom we’ve never known. What joy we shall have then, when we will forever be with our Lord.

Please enjoy this heartfelt rendition by the Covenant Presbyterian Church of Huntsville.

May God richly bless you today and every day, through Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord, the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen.


More hymns here.


   1 A few more years shall roll,
   A few more seasons come,
   And we shall be with those that rest
   Asleep within the tomb:
   Then, O my Lord, prepare
   My soul for that great day;
   O wash me in Thy precious Blood,
   And take my sins away.
   2 A few more suns shall set
   O'er these dark hills of time,
   And we shall be where suns are not,
   A far serener clime:
   Then, O my Lord, prepare
   My soul for that blest day;
   O wash me in Thy precious Blood,
   And take my sins away.
   3 A few more storms shall beat
   On this wild rocky shore,
   And we shall be where tempests cease,
   And surges swell no more:
   Then, O my Lord, prepare
   My soul for that calm day;
   O wash me in Thy precious Blood,
   And take my sins away.
   4 A few more struggles here,
   A few more partings o'er,
   A few more toils, a few more tears,
   And we shall weep no more:
   Then, O my Lord, prepare
   My soul for that bright day;
   O wash me in Thy precious Blood,
   And take my sins away.
   5 'Tis but a little while
   And He shall come again,
   Who died that we might live, Who lives
   That we with Him may reign:
   Then, O my Lord, prepare
   My soul for that glad day;
   O wash me in Thy precious blood,
   And take my sins away.