Someone asked, “Could genocide against natural born citizens happen here as it did in Germany?” The answer is included in the video below.
09 Oct 2020
It is essential for our peace of mind as Christians that we understand what is real. Part of the enemy’s attack is the sowing of confusion through a preponderance of conflicting information. We are aware of his devices, and are warned to be on guard against them.
04 Oct 2020
Someone wrote: A co-worker told me that we need to make sure everyone wears face masks since lives are in danger. Nobody is taking rights away. It is just like seatbelts - they save lives.
13 Jul 2020
Brian Shilavy writes the following: “The heart of idolatry is looking to sources outside of God for our basic needs and desires in life. The idol is an attempt to explain life apart from God, our Creator.
18 May 2020