
People Get Ready
People Get Ready

A wonderful reminder that everything is in our sweet Lord’s hands. If you’re not on the train, now’s the time to get on. If you’re on the train, it’s not too late to warn, beseech and encourage.

26 Jul 2020

Nearer My God To Thee - Titanic (1953)
Nearer My God To Thee - Titanic (1953)

Nearer, My God, to Thee is based on the dream of Jacob in Genesis 28.11. It’s passionate, decisive, and is said to have been sung in the closing minutes before the Titanic went down.

12 Jul 2020

The Spelling Song (S - A - V - E - D)
The Spelling Song (S - A - V - E - D)

This happy song was recorded in 1940 by the Blue Sky Boys. Can you catch all of the words spelled? “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” — Jesus. John 15:11.

05 Jul 2020

Come ye thankful people come
Come ye thankful people come

According to an online website specializing in hymns, Come ye thankful people come appears in 608 hymnals. On the one hand it’s a song of gratitude to the Lord for the food provided in this year’s harvest. Yet the references to Mark 4:26-29 and Matthew 13:24-30 and 36-43, also call for a hastening of God’s final harvest.

19 Nov 2017

Lord, Keep us Steadfast in Thy Word - Hymn of Martin Luther
Lord, Keep us Steadfast in Thy Word - Hymn of Martin Luther

The origin and the content of this hymn emphasize its meaning and value. “Rome boasts that she never changes; the Turk has not improved, new and diverse enemies have risen round about us, so that there are numerous occasions when sincere Christians, realizing their environment, can enter with appreciation into the singing of this old Luther hymn, recognizing that though some conditions vary, the real dangers are the same, and the need of every influence and protection and guidance of the Triune God prayed for in this remarkable Luther hymn is needed today and every day that the Christian lives.

29 Oct 2017

A few more years shall roll
A few more years shall roll

Do you remember the slang term, reality check? It’s a reminder from a friend when one’s thinking is distorted. As the current political drama beats down on all of us, this hymn can serve as a welcome balm and pull us back into a Biblical way of thinking. Kings and queens rise and fall, but God is on the throne. He establishes governments. In contrast to this fallen, sinful world, The Lord has decreed an eternity in which righteousness will reign in justice and without sin, tears or suffering. Glory to Him.

21 Oct 2016