How were men saved in the days of Abraham – in the days of David – in the days of Daniel – how were men saved in the four hundred years between the Old Testament and the New?
Question No. 3. What does it take to constitute a good Christian?
Answer: That is a very good question. I hardly know how to answer that in a few words, but I would say, to make my answer short, Study the ten commandments until you find out your sins; then flee to Christ and ask His forgiveness.
Some of you may think, if the Lord God only had not made that mistake in making wine at the marriage in Cana of Galilee! Did you ever find that Jesus Christ had made a mistake anywhere?
‘“I call your attention to the fact that hell is always prayerful. The rich man in hell was a prayerful man, not praying to the true and living God, but calling upon Abraham.
Let us make up our minds this morning, by the help of the Holy Spirit, that we shall live nearer to our God each day this year, than we ever have before.
These wise men from the East came to seek the newly born King. How did they know that a king should be born? Where did they find it out? Where did they come from?
John the Baptist said of Jesus Christ, “He shall increase and I shall decrease.” Like the morning star which begins to decrease as soon as the sun rises in the East, so John the Baptist, the great morning star of history, begins to decrease when Jesus Christ, the Son of Righteousness, with healing in his wings, begins to rise in the East.